President’s Volunteer Service Award 美國總統志工服務獎




  1. 申請人必須年滿11歲,是美國公民或具有美國永久居留權
  2. 申請人必須曾經是幼童軍485團成員或參加Troop 485或基督之家中文學校一年以上才能申請
  3. 成年申請人必須是485團家長或擔任基督之家中文學校老師同工一年以上才能申請


  1. 在12個月內,至少要完成50個小時的服務時數。詳細時數要求如下
    一年中服務時數 銅級 銀級 金級 終身成就獎
    少年 (11–15) 50 – 74 75 – 99 100 + 4000 +
    青年 (16-25) 100 – 174 175 – 249 250 + 4000 +
    成人 (26 and older) 100 – 249 250 – 499 500 + 4000 +
  2. 三分之二以上的時數服務對象是幼童軍485團或者基督之家中文學校
  3. 三分之二以上的時數是在美國境內完成
  4. 所有的服務時數都必須是無償的義務服務


  1. 在幼童軍485團中擔任小隊輔導(den chief)
  2. 在幼童軍485團的集會中教導技能或其他課程
  3. 計畫並帶領幼童軍485團的外出活動,或擔任活動的負責童軍(SIC)
  4. 在基督之家中文學校擔任助教,或者助理
  5. 幫忙整理基督之家中文學校教材或其他庫存管理
  6. 其他機構(包括Troop 485)的服務時數也可以用來申請


  1. 在幼童軍485團中擔任小隊長(den leader)
  2. 在幼童軍485團的集會中教導技能或其他課程
  3. 計畫並帶領幼童軍485團的外出活動,或擔任活動的負責人(AIC)
  4. 在基督之家中文學校無償擔任老師授課
  5. 其他機構(包括Troop 485)的服務時數也可以用來申請



The President’s Volunteer Service Award

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) recognizes United States citizens and permanent residents of the United States who have achieved the required number of service hours over a 12-month time period. Operating under Home of Christ Chinese School (HOCCS), Pack 485 is a Certifying Organization authorized to verify and issue PVSA awards to qualified individuals. Hours are measured over a 12-month period and awards are designated based on cumulative hours. The awards are offered in multiple levels and are designed to recognize each milestone of their service achievements. Levels include bronze, silver, gold.


  1. US citizen or permanent resident, at least 11 years of age
  2. Must be a Pack 485 veteran or have attended Troop 485 or HOCCS for more than one year
  3. Adult applicant must be a Pack/Troop 485 parent or HOCCS staff for more than one year


  1. Applicant needs to accumulate at least 50 hours of service to qualify. Here’s the detail hours requirements:
    Service Hours in a Year Bronze Silver Gold Life
    Teens (11–15) 50 – 74 75 – 99 100 + 4000 +
    Young Adults (16-25) 100 – 174 175 – 249 250 + 4000 +
    Adults (26 and older) 100 – 249 250 – 499 500 + 4000 +
  2. At least 2/3 of hours are for Pack 485 or HOCCS
  3. At least 2/3 of hours are rendered in US territory
  4. Only uncompensated hours can be counted

For teenagers and Troop 485 scouts, here are some examples of the service hours that can be counted for applying for PVSA :

  1. Serve as a den chief in Pack 485
  2. Teach skills or classes at a Den/Pack Meeting
  3. Plan and lead a Den/Pack outing, or work as a SIC for a Pack event
  4. Work as a classroom helper or coworker in HOCCS
  5. Help organize HOCCS textbooks or inventory
  6. Service hours from external organizations, with approval from Pack 485

For adults, here are some examples of the service hours that can be counted for applying PVSA :

  1. Serve as a den leader in Pack 485
  2. Teach skills or classes at a Den/Pack Meeting
  3. Plan and lead a Den/Pack outing, or work as a SIC for a Pack event
  4. Work as a teacher or coworker in HOCCS without pay
  5. Service hours from external organizations, with approval from Pack 485

How to sign up for the Presidential Award

Contact us for more details.