“Scouting is a Game with a Purpose”
– Lord Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of Boy Scouts

基督之家的幼童军485团(Pack 485)成立于2011,隶属于美国童军SVMBC团部(Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council),每年在三月开始接受下一个学年的报名,暑假之前截止报名,新学年的活动则在暑假过后开始。


本团接受小学一年级至五年级的男生及女生报名,按年级及性别分队,男生及女生各有五个小队。如果您的孩子已经在六年级或更大,欢迎加入童军485团(Troop 485)。 幼童军使用晋级的方法来鼓励孩子学习和成长,有关详细的晋级规定请看报名参加 New Scouts网页。如欲报名参加本团请与我们联络

Pack 485 was chartered by The Home of Christ Church in Cupertino (基督之家第五家) and is part of Home of Christ Chinese School ministry. We meet roughly every other week during the school year from September to May. We have 6 or 7 outings each year including hiking, camping, picnic, and an overnight at the museum or USS Hornet carrier. For more information about our schedule, check out our Events page. Interested in getting more information? Visit us during our Pack Meeting at Home of Christ Church in Cupertino (10340 Bubb Road, Cupertino) or send us an e-mail.

Pack 485 Mission Statement

Our mission as a Cub Scout Pack is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Through fun and challenging activities, we strive to develop character, leadership, citizenship, and personal fitness in each of our Scouts. We are dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive environment where every Scout feels respected, valued, and supported in their individual growth and development.